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February 22, 2017

Psychology and Education

Midnight thought 📖

"Psychology is a science and teaching is an art, and sciences never generate arts directly out of themselves"

This journal was kind enlightenment for me. I guess some of teacher has vaguely "willingness " for changing their major into psychology. Even from Arief Rachman (exemplary teacher and lecturer).

"Art is limitless and divine, comes of inventiveness and sympathetic concrete observation. Yet, science can do is help us to catch and check ourselves for right track line."

The description was suitable to make me realize the reality for both of them. Yes, I am interested for both of them. Even I had been put "Psychology" as my first choice of my major.

But... I guess I understand now what my parents said to me. I see their vision, declined the higher position offer for their dedicated job. Because...

"Essential requisites in teacher's character are a love children and love of his work"

All quote comes from William James "Psychology and Education" -Talks to Teacher

January 21, 2017

SolidS Kachou Fugetsu 「花鳥風月」series

I am interested to make review of this series. YES !!! Tsukino Production is one of production which having seiyuu for their project. We have Tsukiuta (Procellarum & Six Gravity) , SolidS (SolidS and QUELL), ALIVE (Growth and SOARA) and Tsukicro (newest one). Even they are 2D Idol (I guess), they have really diversity songs toward all unit. I would like discuss about Tsukiuta too, especially that I am really into to Procellarum. I am listening to all unit's song.

So I would like review about one of this year series, Kachou Fugetsu Series. But I am interested to make review SolidS Kachou Fugetsu series. I will make one too for SOARA and Growth, they shared same theme too (Kachou Fuugetsu) for this year.

The Japanese have a word, or words of Kachou Fuugetsu「花鳥風月」which means “Flower Bird Wind Moon”. Literally the meaning of this proverb is “to experience the beauties of nature, learn about yourself”. My friend told me literally the meaning is a kind the beauties of nature, the themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics.  Kachou Fuugetsu series is projecting Japanese unique theme, represents symbol of every season. Kachou Fuugetsu is “four character idioms” which is consist of 「花」 ka, 「鳥」 cho, 「風」 fu 「月 getsu. Series consist of four themes, symbolize by four seasons they are; 「花」Hana “Flower”  series;「鳥」Tori “Bird” series ;「風」Kaze “Wind” series;「月」Tsuki “Moon” series.

SolidS members are singing individually for this project. Yes!! They did the single this time. Every member is portraying all themes.

Four singles have their own symbol or representation. Flower series brings "Lily", Bird series brings "Canaria", Wind series brings "Squall", Moon series "Tide". I will looking for the meaning of that..

「花」 ka “Flower” series - Lily-寄り添う百合のように- 

lil·y ˈlilē/ - a bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem. Lilies have long been cultivated, some kinds being of symbolic importance and some used in perfumery.

The fact said this flower represents Madonna, the beauty. I understand this story more into like "first sight love" and he cannot forget the impression.. The kanji's meaning more into "Like nestling close to a Lily". 

review from The Hands That Feeds HQ, click here

「鳥」 cho "Bird" series - Canaria -消えゆく空に-
Canaria -消えゆく空に-

  1. 1.
    a mainly African finch with a melodious song, typically having yellowish-green plumage. One kind is popular as a pet bird and has been bred in a variety of colors, especially bright yellow.

 The kanji's meaning more into "vanishing into the sky". there is part "That I don't understand what is Love", I guess this song more like wondering, what kind experience of love.

review from The Hands That Feeds HQ, click here

「風」 fu "Wind" series -  Squall -冷たい衝動
Squall -冷たい衝動

  1. 1.
    a sudden violent gust of wind or a localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or sleet.

 The kanji's meaning more into "cold urges" . Well I guess this song more into like "raging" because the timbre is kind heavy.

review from The Hands That Feeds HQ, click here

「月 getsu "Moon" series - Tide -光の射す方へ-
Tide -光の射す方へ-

  1. 1.
    the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun.

 The kanji's meaning more into "to the way the light shines". I guess this song more like "don't give up" until meet "the one". Even this song is kind dark, like he is more depending to her and can't life without her. I guess that's way the kanji meaning, "to the light shines".

review from The Hands That Feeds HQ, click here

So that's is all about the story behind the series. This post was kind lack because I can't find more source for this.

source :
The Hands That Feeds HQ